Ready for Extra Helpings of Feces, Pus and Chlorine on Your Plate — America is
Deregulating Its Meat Industry
AlterNet News Article / By Martha Rosenberg October
4, 2013
Having recently been disturbed by several articles like the
one above about the meat products being served in schools and meat markets; the
meat being *pink slime* and other ground fowl meats being made of sinew and cartilage,
I found the article below suggesting that a new alternative is becoming
Reinventing Meat
Fortune Magazine Article / By
Marc Gunther | Fortune – Fri,
Oct 4, 2013
The following evaluation within this article struck me as
important – “It takes four-tenths of a pound of feed, mostly soy and pea
protein, to make a pound of Beyond Meat. (A chicken breast is more than 60%
water.) By comparison, even after decades of selective breeding and production
efficiencies, broilers require nearly three pounds of feed, mostly corn and
soy, to yield a pound of ready-to-cook chicken.”
That quote is similar to the difference between feeding our
farm animals grain and feeding them aquaponic grown fodder. The fodder is more
beneficial to the animals and 1 pound of grain becomes 5 to 8 pounds of fodder,
cutting feed costs as much as 75%. [See:
Fodder under the Crops tab.]
Lots to mull over in both articles. Fortunately, we have Aquaponics as a starting
point to become more self-reliant and pursue sustainable and ecologically-friendly
food sources and production on our own.For comments use Contact tab upper right corner. Thank you!